About Now&Me

Now&Me is an AI-enabled consumer-tech company simplifying mental well-being for Gen-Z and millennials.

<aside> 💰 1 million USD in funding


<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/e66a6aac-319f-4ec4-8426-aabecc55f263/googleplaystore.webp" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/e66a6aac-319f-4ec4-8426-aabecc55f263/googleplaystore.webp" width="40px" /> Google's Top 100 social apps


<aside> <img src="/icons/chat_orange.svg" alt="/icons/chat_orange.svg" width="40px" /> 5 million messages shared


With Now&Me, users can connect with trained experts such as therapists and life coaches and have 1:1 live chat sessions with them in a confidential and secure environment.

Our mission is to build a kinder internet, and we’re growing exponentially. We have big plans for 2023 and are driven to build an exceptional product in India for the world!

And we’re looking for an equally energetic, driven and passionate bunch of people to build this with. You can find this list of roles we’re hiring for below:

Open Roles

Partnership/Sales Intern

Partnerships and Alliances Manager

Full-Stack Developer - Now&Me

We strive to create an entrepreneurial work environment and would love to hear from you if you have a founder mindset, i.e.:

  1. You’re super motivated, passionate, and proactive and take ownership of all your tasks and execute them independently 🚀
  2. You’re ambitious and care about what you learn and the impact you make here 🌈

💰 Competitive salaries + ESOPs (0.1-0.5%)

Now&Me in the NEWS!

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